thanks for student presentations on last Friday, 18 Jan MoD 2008! We teachers experienced this 1st milestone in the group work as rewarding, you were offering some really promising ideas and interesting group work! See also Dori's post regarding this.
1. For readers who were not present: We run this 1st CLASS PRES in 2X2 format, groups presented in one of two rooms (auditorium and teachers' cantine) at KHiO for one of two supervising team and commenting audience (BI+KHiO students and some other interested guests). Dividing it in this way we could finish formal presentations somewhat earlier than last year even with more groups presenting (22 groups compared to 18 last year) and most important, keeping up the room for both illuminating presentations and some reflections and interactive Q and A around the ideas or group work. - Group members at this stage typically probe for good ways to convey what can become their core idea and realization or business concept, so allowing for this probing even within the frames of short presentations is important. For example, because several of you were working with sustainability concerns, some of us referred to GRIP centre
http://www.grip.no/felles/english.htm as one possible source of info (if that is needed).
2. Remember also from my lecture on innovation process that at some point there is less time for further expansion of ideas or lots of search for new information. In the next days, it is wise to try to crystalize and land the ideas, bringing selective parts of your group work together. You may think of this as weaving your ideas and material.... what you wish to use of what you have now as sketches, diagrams, bits and pieces... bringing it together into something appealing and useful for someone or whatever your group aim at!
Preparing how to present may become useful to intensify both the diverging and this converging process.
3. Re photos and brief group presentations on this blog (a chance to document part of the group process), according to my overview 4 groups are still missing... So we're also looking forward to this!
Groups may also want to share further reflections from their work, which is of course welcome.