Thursday, January 15, 2009

Presentation tomorrow

Remember to email Kristin your powerpoints (min. 4, max 6 foils) before 20 (eight) this evening.
So that she can collect everything into one file for timely presentations tomorrow, at BI!

Friday 16 Jan
We start with the second round of group presentations at 9.00 sharp tomorrow, in the big auditorium (C1 050) at BI Nydalen.
Kristin, Reidar og myself will all be present.

PS We all learnt something today about both project and action planning AND how one can experiment creatively with various ways of presenting (according to both context and purpose etc. Guess it would be tiring if the extreme extreme were done continuously... but dare to do something attractive and relevant.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MOD DAY 9: 15 Jan 2009 How to .... in Practice!

Today we meet at KHIO Aud, I'm actually here now... and Christian (Lodgaard) from HÅG/Scandinavian Business Seating. This is a new name for the merged company RH (South Sweden) and RBM (near Skagen, Denmark) and HÅG (Oslo and Røros). Office seating is the field of activity and vision is: "Making the world a better place to sit!"

So you see the significance of a good vision!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MOD DAY 8: 14 Jan 2009

GROUP WORK. Tomorrow is group work and possibilities for supervision directly to your group challenges, in particular at KHIO. Use the possibility for conversations with specialists and trained students. Don't expect solutions but help for self-help, as introduced. BI has 4 student supervisors already presented last Thursday, and you have also met some of the KHIO supervisors.
Keep up the good work!

MOD DAY 7: 13 Jan the big "Input" Day

Today, we have been at BI, it is Tuesday in the second week or Day 7 in MOD (if we do not count the weekend days). The purpose in this week is to refine concepts and make good planning for the projects in order to make promising and realizable proposals.

EXPLORING ACTORS WITH ANALYTICAL TOOLS. We have learned and worked with a number of project measures and analytical tools on this Project management day. For example, Kristin introduced stakeholder and "interessent" (in Norwegian) analytical frameworks. Such actors can be (or become) significant to raise support, mobilize resources, reduce resistance etc. Models and templates seemed easy to work with, though it is easy to forget or not be aware of who are the most relevant actors for a project. It is also useful to think about this early on to prepare for something emergent, which can in worst case scenario become negative (e.g. hindering the realization of your idea).

COMMUNICATION, DRAMATURGY, AND DESIGN. The focus of the afternoon was communication and design. For example, how to crystalize the group's tentative idea, or transform many fragments you have collected so far into eventually one distinctive core concept. As introduced, design and communication are holistically oriented disciplines like business strategy and leadership for innovation as well as culture. So design and communication can help in creating a distinctive concept and express its meanings but how? Some techniques and tools were discussed and we added to the textbook. Also, according to Rybakken and other designers, identity principles and design elements might help us here. In sum, the day was packed with input to be used in this week's project work.

Monday, January 12, 2009

MOD DAY 6: It's all about us! BI + KHiO visit to DogA Monday 12 Jan 2009

An exciting day at DogA this morning with presentations from DogA, Norwegian Design Council and Norsk Form people (thanks for smultringer and coffee as well to keep us awake this early).

This time I enjoyed for instance the Raps oil case presentation (and learned that some "Østfold oil" even comes from Vestfold, a subtle challenge in the brand communication perhaps). "Pur water" was another case of special relevance to at least three MOD groups (news were e.g. that selling water in bottles may not be allowed in some US states soon, if I understood it correctly).

Overall, the inclusive design perspective is probably significant for several BI+KHIO groups because of stressing not merely high-tech lead users but also extreme users as well as children and even "oldies" (like me and sooner or later you). So this is worth noticing when making project proposals...

"It's all about US!" Onny (project manager for Design for All) pinpointed.

Down in the exhibition area (car waste exhibits) we could literally see the value of an environmental perspective as well.

Perhaps someone want to comment or reflect further on this or other issues raised?