Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Student group presentations: 1st and next ones

Hi all,

1) the presentation we want NOW:
a short one to learn just who are in the group (include group No, and if you want group name if you make one!) with photo of the group and identification of group members... with names relating to the photo of the group.
You may profile this in your own way of presenting it. See already published ones!

2) later presentations will expand on this and include some info from your work, see group task for Friday 11 January (and the one Friday 18. Januar).

We must correct the word "nettside" in the program, it is rather a netbased pres.:
Here we do not mean full new blog for each and every group but an expanded presentation of your group after one week's work together. To be published on this MoD blog since we try to make it a shared and accessible site for the whole project.

Dori may probably give more info tomorrow or Friday on this! (or Kristina, Birgit or Donatella on Thursday, or Dori/Kristina on Friday).

For now, just submit a brief presentation - a photo with names.

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